Firstly there is 'Imagine Entertainment'.

An American company that has previously been involved in some successful and well known films such as 8 Mile (2002), American Gangster (2007), Robin Hood (2010) and many more.
However while looking at the films there some but not many that I could see that were in our chosen genre. The comedies that I saw they had been involved with include Undercover Brother (2002), How The Grinch Stole Christmass (2000) and the Nutty Proffessor II (2000).
The next production company that I looked at was Spyglass Entertainment.

Again this is an American company and some films that people may know of that has been associated with include Wanted (2008), Bruce Almighty (2003), Invictus (2009) and more recently Get Him To The Greek (2010).

The story is very much on the same lines as our plot. The only difference is that when they break up it is the girl that tries to make the man feel bad for not having her any more. Similarly the men become good friends as opposed to enemies which is what is intended.
Personally after looking in to production companies, the one that stuck out the most to me as one that would be promising for distributing our film is Spyglass. This is due to the fact that the films that they have been involved with in the last few years have often been comedies. This appealed to me because there would be a confident approach on how to distribute our product as it has been many times before by this company. For example with Keeping The Faith in the year 2000.
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