Friday 15 October 2010

Location Shots & Planning

This afternoon we planned the locations that we would like to use in our trailer. Here are some of the pictures we took of our chosen locations.

1) This first image is one of the socialising areas in the school that the characters will be using to relax in and spend time with each other.

2) This is just another picture of a room that they could use to relax in.

3) When the girl is watching the rugby captain play it will be at this location; The 1st XV rugby pitch.

4) Again this is where she will be watching the football captain play football; The 1st XI football pitch.

5) This is the house of which the rugby captain is living in on campus. It is surrounded by trees which allows the girl to be with him with a certain amount of secrecy. She blames the fact that they only seem to kiss in the woods on her being shy.

6) This is the woods on the other side of the house that if we see the characters going anywhere else on campus, apart from the sports centre, from the rugby captains house then they will use this path.

7) Again just another shot of the path just to show it in a different light and show just how hidden they will be when they are together, helping to hide it from her boyfriend, the football captain.

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